Selv om sommeren er over, er det aldri feil tidspunkt å nyte flott arkitektur, spør du meg. I dag er det drømmetid - vi later som det er vår og badesesongen og ferien ligger foran oss. Og vi er på vei til dette stedet.
Må nok innrømme jeg aldri ville valgt en slik størrelse på ei hytte. Hytter skal være små og enkle, skal de ikke?? Men utrolig flott å se, ikke?
Translation:This stunning summer residence was designed by Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS Architects and is located in Vestfold, Norway. Perfectly integrated in its environment, this house seems carved in stone. According to the architects, this project had to obey strict environmental rules regarding the building’s color, shape and materials. Overall, we find the results to be truly spectacular and the views breathtaking.
Here is some more information: “The low elongated volume is cut into to allow for wind shielded outdoor areas, embraced by the house itself. These cuts also bring down the scale of the building, and together with the local variations of the section, make the building relate to the surrounding cliff formations. On the outer perimeter of terraces and pool, a glass fence also protects against wind, but allows for maximum view. The house is clad with Kebony wood, a sustainable process of treating the wood to allow for good durability towards the exposure to salt water.” We particularly like the infinity pool, which blends great with the the landscape. Impressive, wouldn’t you say?
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Virkelig spennende arkitektur. Takk for at du deler :)
SvarSlettHei. Så gøy at du la igjen en kommentar hos meg, alltid gøy å oppdage nye blogger :-)
SvarSlettJa vi har flyttet inn og MÅ virkelig få begynt å blogge litt igjen. Har ikke hatt så mye tid til det nå :-) Men følg med, så får du sett hvordan vi har fått det :-)